Ripping Off Change & Coke Machines Table of Contents: Disclamer Introduction Coke Machines Phones Box Tones Disclamer I take no responsibility for the actions one might do with this information. This information is clearly for educational use only and not recommended for use. Introduction Have you ever wondered how much money a coke machine or a payphone make in a week? Well, you can find out. his article describes different ways to steal money from a coke machine and/or a payphone. Below I have also included the different uses of boxes and how to actually use them. Coke Machines Well let me start of by saying if you ant this to work you may have to try over and over again but remember practice makes perfect so don't give up. Ok, so you want to steal money from a coke machine eh? Well don't fell bad it's all in good fun. There are a couple methods to accomplish this: First method: Take about two cups of water and put a couple teaspoons of salt in the water. Then heat the water untill it is luke warm. Find your coke machine and pore it down the coin slot. The salt water should react with the electronics in the machine and make it pour out money. Don't worry about ruining the machine because those things are built to last. The reason this method works is due to the fact that salt water conducts electricity. There is a sort of switch inside the vending machine which tells the machine when to give out money and sodas. The salt water runs between the switch's 2 sides and makes them touch each other thereby making the machine spit out sodas and money. Second Method: This second method is kinda crude but works well if you are thirsty. Lets start off by learning how the machine is shaped. Where the coke comes out there should be a flap prohibiting anyone from reaching your arm in there and grabing some cokes. It is also to keep the cold air in. So what our objective is to do is reach in there and grab some cokes (Simple, eh?). See the diagram for futher understanding.   Ok now that you know what to do all you have to do is do it. First of get a dremle and saw the little pins ,that keep the flap in place, off. This is not easy so you may have to resort to bashing the thing with a hammer. Once you get that off find a really skinny kid with long arms to reach way up there and tug on the cokes. You might notice that there is, on some machines, a bar or lever blocking the cokes. If so just do the same with that try to pry of off. It is most likely plastic. Tada!!! You now can get a coke whenever you want. Pay Phones Now the real money begins. Doing this you can make up to $82 a week!!! So here is how you do it. First find a phone that is used fairly often. Then use about ten or so tissues and shove them up the coin return. Very simple and very affective. See the diagram to see exactily were to put the paper. Over time people will use the phone with incorect change and wonder where there change is. But all the time it is pilled upon the tissue.   In about a week go and check the phone pull the tissue out and you should find a lot of change. If the design of the phone stops you from sticking your finger up there then tape a wire to the end of your finger and pull the tissue out with that. Box Tones First off I must tell you this section does not decribe how to make the tones It just tells you how to use them. You must need tones of your own I suggest the Box of Many Colors program It comes packed with tones from many boxes. Ok you have the tones now how do you use them. First you need to get the sounds on something portable. The only thing I can think of instead of putting it on you laptop would be to buy one of those digital walkmans from radioshack. But why don't I use a normal walkman you ask because an analog sound won't work. It must be digital or the phone won't understand it. Get a 25¢ tone on the recorder and walk to your nearest Payphone. Call the operator and ask them to place the call for you and right when they ask for an additional 25¢, or whatever, that is when you play the tone. That is the only time the tones will work. - HåçkM@ç